Monday, October 1, 2012

Start of a new school year...

My goal is to update this blog at least every month, but hopefully every week.  There are just a few family members who refuse the most common source of social media, facebook.  That is where I do most of my "blogging".  But, dad, I hope this is a way you can keep up with my kiddo's in between visits! 

A quick update...

Abby started 2nd grade at Naumann this year!  Her teacher is Mrs. Zaharias and she really likes her.  She is different than her previous teachers and I think it's going to be a good year. She is about to turn 8 years old.  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?  I sure can't.  It seems like just yesterday we were begging her to start walking. (Boy were we dumb)

Luke is 10 months old.  This year has been such a whirlwind.  He is a wonderful little boy.  He makes us laugh and smile almost every second.  He sure loves his big sister too.  He is working on standing by himself.  He seems pretty content just crawling around so I don't see walking happening anytime soon...and we're ok with that.  (We aren't dumb this time around!)  Luke's a mama's boy, I have to admit.  I also should admit that I love it!  Abby was very social and loved being around everyone, it didn't always have to be me.  Maybe it's the difference between boys and girls?  Who knows.  

Like I said, I'm going to attempt once a month!  This is for you, dad. =)

First day of 2nd grade