Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Just wanted to let you all know that since Abby has started riding her bike without training wheels she has tons of bruises! She likes to show them off too - so be aware thats what they are!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Welcome to our family blog...

Hello friends!

I hope that I can keep this updated!

Thanks for looking =)


Here's a little bit about me:

Mark and I got married June 21, 2003. It was one of the most amazing days of our lives. He is the love of my life. We had our sweet daughter Abby on October 19, 2004. Abby is our world. She is the most amazing person I've ever met. Compassionate, loving, helpful and so very smart.We decided to try for our second child after Abby turned 2. We tried for a year with no luck. After seeing my regular gynecologic we were told that I had PCOS and didn't ovulate on a regular basis. We were referred to the Texas Fertility Center where we saw Dr. Burger and Dr. Vaughn. After our first IUI failed with them we decided to take a break from medical help. a few people had suggested that I see Dr. Seeker. So I made an appointment and immediately started treatments with him. After several IUI's and a lot of oral and injectable medication we finally conceived our second child in November 2009. We were over the moon. Announced the pregnancy to anyone that would listen! We went for an early ultrasound and saw the heartbeat! Sadly, a few weeks later our baby stopped developing and I had what they call a "missed miscarriage". We were devastated. Life isn't fair, and people that truly want children sometimes have a hard time while people who don't seem to want to get pregnant or shouldn't be parents have it happen so easily. We felt defeated, we were lost and most of all our dreams of growing our family had just been ripped away. We waited about 6 months to try again with Dr. Seeker but that IUI failed too. Mark and I changed our diet, started exercising more and lost quite a bit of weight. We decided to give it one more try before moving on to IVF or adoption. On March 21st our wishes were answered as I got a positive pregnancy test. Every second, ever cramp, every stretch is terrifying. The thought of losing another child is not something I think I could handle. We have gotten past the scary stage, have heard the heartbeat, seen our baby move and even felt some flutters. We are waiting for that amazing day in November that we will be able to hold our baby.